To make it easy for you and us, we have made an overview of frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers. If you would like to know more and your question is not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This is not an easy question to answer as it depends on the brand + type and a number of other factors. Is there e.g. an optical or mechanical problem? Is the binocular contaminated and / or is there water damage? For an exact quotation, the best thing is to send a photo of the total viewer and possibly of the defect. We will do our best to give you an exact quote to provide. It would help if you could indicate how much the repair is worth for you so we don’t perform unnecessary research. The quote is free of charge and no research costs are charged.

This also depends on the brand, type and a number of factors. For example, does the binoculars have to be gas filled again with waterproof? To give you an idea: the centering and adjustment of an average porous viewer costs approx. € 45,- excl. 21% B.T.W.

After we have made an appointment, you can personally drop the viewer. However, most viewers are sent by post. Do this preferably by registered mail, so the viewer can then be traced. Always clearly state the return address, as well as your telephone number and e-mail address.

For these types of matters, it is better to go to the original dealer or photo store where the viewer was purchased at the time, because we do not have any accessories in stock.

You can also have your old or antique binoculars repaired at De Kijkerspecialist.

De Kijkerspecialist has professional equipment and years of knowledge in the field of optical objects. We can therefore also e.g. repair microscopes, but also on Texel and Terschelling our expertise was brought in to check, clean and adjust the optical elements of the lighthouses of these islands.

Zeiss Diascope 85

Deze Zeiss Diascope 85 hebben we hersteld, omdat door jarenlang intensief gebruik het zoommechanisme en het scherpstelsysteem vast was gaan lopen. Na het reinigen van de diverse delen en de scope te behandelen met de originele vetsoorten functioneert deze nu weer als nieuw.

Zeiss Dialyt 7×42

Door een val was van deze Zeiss Dialyt 7×42 de op en neer gaande brug ontzet en was de kijker scheel. Wij hebben de centrale as weer gericht en de prisma’s gecentreerd en gejusteerd.

Leica Televid 77 telescoop

Deze Leica Televid 77 telescoop was na een val doormidden gebroken en waren de prisma’s los gekomen. Wij hebben de prisma’s weer uitgelijnd en vastgezet en de body weer met nieuwe bevestigingen vastgezet.

Kriegsmarine D.F. 10×80 uit WO II

Deze Kriegsmarine D.F. 10×80 uit WO II staat ook op diverse vuurtorens op de Waddeneilanden waar wij onlangs diverse reparaties en onderhoud hebben uitgevoerd. Door een val waren de prisma’s gespleten en was de kijker onbruikbaar. Wij hebben met een speciale lichtdoorlatende film de prisma’s weer verlijmd en de kijker weer gejusteerd en verder alle mechanische delen weer gangbaar gemaakt.